Shkoi Kurdistan

Why is the Kurdistan Alliance not being formed in Baghdad?

Sarbast Ali – Erbil

For many years, the Kurdistan Alliance has not been able to form a coalition in Baghdad due to disagreements between the parties, but now an attempt is being made by the presidency of the Kurdistan Region to form a coalition to form a coalition.

The number of Kurdish representatives is about 60 parliamentarians, which is divided into Bashar al-Assad (the party, the union, the change, the union, the community and the new generation).
In addition to the factions, a group of 15 Kurdish representatives has been formed in Baghdad for several months and is still preparing to join the coalition that is forming the regional presidency.

The president and his deputies have met several times with the party and the leaders of the Kurdish factions in the Iraqi parliament, but no final agreement has yet been reached on the formation of the coalition. However, the coalition’s agenda, which sees itself at eight points, has been given to the parties to express their views on the issue.
Jamal Kochar, Chairman of the United Faction in the Iraqi Parliament, stated (Shkoi Kurdistan):: Due to the internal conflicts and factions of the parties in the region, it has not been possible to form an alliance of the Kurdish factions, so that the problems in the region will not be resolved until the end of the conflict.

“There needs to be an agreement on the work of the coalition, how and by what mechanism it will work? Will each faction have an independent working policy or will it have to return to all the work?” He said.
The last time the president of the region met with the leaders of the Iraqi Kurdish parliamentary factions on February 11, 2020, was at the meeting, which was followed by a working agreement with the Kurdish factions in Baghdad, which consisted of eight working points.

Regarding the formation of the coalition of Kurdish factions in the Iraqi parliament, Bashir Haddad, Vice President of the Iraqi Council of Representatives to (Shkoi Kurdistan), has been completed and it has been given to the factions to bring it into the coalition.

Regarding the eight-point approach to the presidency of the region, Bahar Mahmoud, a member of the Change faction in the Iraqi Council of Representatives (Glory to Kurdistan), said: The eight-point pact contains good things, but some factions have commented on it, and at a recent meeting with the president of the region, they asked for more time to respond.

Bahar Mahmoud clarified that there has been a lot of effort in the past by the factions to work together, but both the party and the union factions in the Iraqi parliament have not adhered to it as required.
According to his information, the factions (Change, Community and United) are cooperating with the coalition on the condition that That the party and the union be bound by all co-operation in all circumstances and changes, and that the party and the union no longer negotiate with Baghdad without reuniting with each of the other factions.

According to sources, the president of the region promised at the last meeting with the leaders of the factions that he would adhere to the co-operation with each of the factions.
Regarding the 15-member group of parliamentarians, which is made up of a group of Kurdish parliamentarians, the regional presidency is trying to persuade them to join the coalition.